
Hello World! We’re SciCommBites!

It is with great excitement that we introduce the newest member of the Science Bites galaxy of research summary blog sites: SciCommBites, science (bites) of science communication!

The mission of SciCommBites is to provide a bridge between science communication students, researchers, trainers, and practitioners to enable better science communication and engagement.

Introducing the newest member of the ScienceBites galaxy...SciCommBites!

We heard and are answering the need for digestible, jargon-free summaries of the latest research in science communication, public engagement, and related fields — we ourselves are science communication practitioners and trainers who are interested in what the latest research has to say about best practices in communicating science! Further, echoing the other ScienceBites sites, we aim to provide professional development opportunities for our authors to hone their skills in writing, editing, and translating complex research studies in engaging ways for non-experts.

We are committed to equitable and inclusive representation of diverse perspectives in science communication and public engagement research. We look forward to ensuring that the authors and researchers who we feature on this site represent the rich and diverse community we aim to serve. Our goal is to expand awareness of research that can inform the work of science communication trainers and practitioners in the field. We’re thrilled to be a project in partnership with the Science Communication Trainers Network in pursuit of these goals!

So, we’re delighted to go live with this project and to start bringing you regular, digestible summaries of the latest (and some foundational) research in science communication and public engagement! We hope you’ll enjoy reading along.


Stephanie Deppe (@SpaceSciSteph) and Jacqueline Goldstein (@SciCommJac)

SciCommBites co-founders