
From The Link: Film and Media in SciComm

Are you sad Oscar season is over? Fear not! Recently on the The Link, Ellice’s SciComm Corner discussed the use of film and media in science communication. How can science communicators take advantage of the prevalent role film and media play in our society? What pitfalls should they be aware of?

Ellice’s SciComm Corner is hosted by Ellice Peck, a Master’s student at Stonybrook University. Click the image below to listen to the episode!

The episode’s transcript can be downloaded here.

Papers discussed in this episode:

  • Babaii, E., & Asadnia, F. (2021). “If a black hole is an oyster, then…”: The discoursal trends of popularization in science fiction movies. Public Understanding of Science , 30 (7), 868-880. Link to the paper.
  • Kapoor, N., & Singh, S. N. (2019). Science film-making for science communication–A study of filmmakers’ perspectives in India. Link to the paper.
  • Shriver-Rice, M., Fernandes, J., Johns, L. N., Riopelle, C., & Vaughan, H. (2021). Young Adults’ Reactions and Engagement with Short-form Videos on Sea Level Rise. Environmental Communication , 1-16. Link to the paper.

Special thank you to the team at The Link for allowing us to repost this excellent #SciComm content. The Link is a science communication engagement platform that seeks to review, interpret, and share essential insights from different areas of science (social sciences, learning sciences, etc.), linking research with practice.