Developing a strategic mindset towards public engagement with science: goals, objectives, & BFFs

By Niveen AbiGhannam

Title: Strategic Science Communication: A Guide to Setting the Right Objectives for More Effective Public Engagement

Author(s) and Year: John C. Besley & Anthony Dudo

Publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press

​TL;DR: Effective science communication is communication to achieve a goal, thus requiring a combination of well-thought objectives and an aligned set of beliefs, feelings, and frames (BFFs). In this book, the authors present an expansive framework of what effective science communication may look like. Why I chose this book: I joined SciCommBites because it allows me to pursue my mission of making science communication research more accessible to scicomm practitioners and trainers. This book brings a wide scholarly perspective from two prolific researchers in the field (with whom I have been so lucky to work during and after my Ph.D.) to help guide practitioners navigate this landscape.

In this episode of the SciCommBites video interview series, we chat with Dr. Anthony Dudo and Dr. John Besley about their book on effective science communication.

Read the video’s transcript here: