From The Link: Examining Access To The Rich Resources Of Science Communication Fellowship Programs

How accessible and inclusive are the plethora of science communication training fellowship programs that have cropped up over the past several years? Nic Bennett takes us through an illustrative journey in this series of comics summarizing findings from their recent research paper, “Science communication fellowship programs as gatekeepers.”

Black background with white illustrated question marks in the center, and all caps handwritten text reading "But lees is known about what value these programs provide scientists…or how accessible, diverse, and inclusive these programs are."

Read the full article and comic series on The Link.

Related paper

“Science communication fellowship programs as gatekeepers” by Bennett, Dudo, and Besley in Volume 31, Issue 7 of Public Understanding of Science.

Special thank you to the team at The Link for allowing us to repost this excellent #SciComm content. The Link is a science communication engagement platform that seeks to review, interpret, and share essential insights from different areas of science (social sciences, learning sciences, etc.), linking research with practice.