SciCommBites is Back!

Hello SciCommBites Connoisseurs,

We’re back!

SciCommBites took a brief hiatus from digesting science communication research to focus on recuperating, rejuvenating, and reorganizing. We’ve grown our executive team, learned with our first two author cohorts, and have been working behind the scenes to prepare for what’s next.

Here are a few morsels summarizing what we’ve accomplished, what we’ve been doing, and where we’re going.    

What we’ve accomplished

Since SciCommBites said “Hello World!” in October 2021:

  • We’ve welcomed 19 authors (10 in our first year and 9 new authors in our second). 
  • We’ve published over 120 articles, with topics ranging from science communication on social media, storytelling, inclusive culture, and training evaluation. 
  • We’ve gathered over 1,500 subscribers and social media followers.
  • We’ve had approximately 7,000 unique visitors and 14,500 post views.
  • We’ve expanded our mission beyond summarizing research papers to writing opinion pieces in Beyond the Research, and covering science communication conferences in Current Events, including SCTN, SciCommCon, ComSciCon, SciTalk, and SciPEP.
  • Collaborated on Crossposts with Alan Alda’s The Link.

What we’ve been doing

Our executive team has been developing procedures to streamline our hiring process, support our authors’ professional development, upgrade our website, transition social media platforms, and strengthen our relationship with our funding agency – the Science Communication Trainers Network (SCTN).

Where we’re going

Once we start a new fiscal cycle, we will hire a third author cohort, continue to partner with science communication conferences, and subscribe to automated web media tools so that we can keep providing you with a steady stream of high-quality research bites. 

In the meantime: 

  • Follow us on Bluesky at
  • Check out our ComSciCon post, where authors Kirsten Giesbrecht and Kay McCallum share their experiences at ComSciCon!
  • Look for our Spotlight post, where alumni share what they’ve been up to since writing for SciCommBites. 
  • Look for our Climate Change Memos series, where Climate Change and Sustainability Communication students will share memos addressing a range of topics from emotions to norms and behavior change.


The SciCommBites Admin Team