
SciCommBites Turns One!

Happy birthday to us!

One year ago on this day (October 13), we launched to the world! Since then, we’ve worked hard to bring you bite-sized digests of recent science communication research papers nearly every week—and sometimes more than once a week! In just our first year:

  • We welcomed 10 new, talented authors to write for us. Learn all about them on our Authors page!
  • We’ve published over 50 articles to the site, with topics ranging from science communication on social media, storytelling, culture, and training evaluation.
  • We’ve gathered over 1000 followers and subscribers on social media and to the blog.
  • We’ve gotten nearly 8000 reads of our posts from around the globe!

We’ve also expanded our mission beyond summarizing research papers to also bringing you session summaries of science communication conferences. We hope these summaries have brought you insight and help to catch you up if you couldn’t attend the conference! You can catch all of our conference summaries in the Current Events section of the site.

This site wouldn’t be possible without a whole team to support us, so big BIG thanks go to:

  • The SciComm Trainers Network
  • The entire ScienceBites galaxy
  • Our admin team (Stephanie Deppe, Jacqueline Goldstein, and Niveen AbiGhannam)
  • Our entire team of authors, without whom none of this would be possible.
  • You, dear reader, for reading the things we write!

We can’t wait to bring you even more great summaries, feature guest authors, and strengthen community partnerships in the next year! If you’d like to submit papers for us to consider summarizing, let us know here. And if you’d like to leave any feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Thank you so much for reading and sharing!