You say Science Festival, I say Science Festivaaal
Science Festivals are great for science communication but it is important to recognize the differences and evaluate them with context.
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Science Festivals are great for science communication but it is important to recognize the differences and evaluate them with context.
Rutgers’ “science in action” documentaries focus on making scientists relatable to increase audience engagement.
Communication and effective communication are different things. In this SciCommBites interview, we explore what effective scicomm entails.
How is a scientist like an oyster? A new science storytelling framework offers practical resources for honing gritty ideas into pearls.
The “Half-Life Your Message” exercise is an improv tool that can help science communicators distill their core message.
Science communicators focus on sparking curiosity in our audiences – but are we burning them out?
The inclusive sci-comm (ISC) model seeks to help researchers and practitioners equitably engage diverse audiences.
A survey of science communication trainers in North America illustrates that trainers are focusing on knowledge over strategy and inclusion.